No explanation. Four poems. For AJ. Cheers.
she stood above him,
dragging the heel across
his chest (which blushed).
Tell me who you are. I
Only want your name,
All else—hills on which to die.
I will not die on those hills.
Give me your name
For we have soil to till.
Take my hand, the other too,
And give me your holy name.
Be one thing only—you.
One child asks if he has the right,
The other plows on through.
One man walks through life apologizing.
The other conquers worlds.
One cries at her scars in the mirror,
The other smooths her hair.
He keeps going back, despite the pain.
She leaves because she doesn’t have to stay.
Somewhere between May and December,
Our intelligence becomes our stupidity.
The Market She made her decision sight unseen sound unheard heart untouched in an empty market. The decision was,
apparently, simple and easy.